Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hip-Hip-Hooray! The SuperReaders Saved the Day...

While coloring yesterday, Sophia wrote the word P-I-G. Besides names of everyone she loves, its the first word she has written. And I did not show her how. She told me she learned from this PBS show: I was immediately torn between parental pride and parental guilt. My child can write! My child learned to write sitting inactive in front of the TV! But I do really like this show. We love to sing the theme song and the dance with the characters at the beginning and end. And, most importantly, they have an episode dedicated to the story of Juan Bobo. All these years and I thought Juan Bobo was just a Puerto Rican Family Myth. One day I turn on the TV and a huge part of my cultural heritage suddenly felt more legitimate... Moral of the Story?
PBS Kids - educational, inspirational, life changing.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Way to go, Sophia! But please, don't give all the credit to PBS. I think the hundreds of thousands of hours you spent reading to her had a greater impact than that show. Imagine all the Blue Cards you've filled!