Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Five Minutes Peace

Megan's recent post reminded me of two things: 1. my life and 2. Mrs. Large. Once again, after having spent a childhood being read Jill Murphy's books, I find myself experiencing a new sense of kinship with Mrs. Large, elephant and mother of three. If you have not yet read this modern-day tale of hope and tragedy, desire and disappointment - read it. Mrs. Large's quest for "five minutes" peace is the battle cry of mother's everywhere.
I recently attempted to take a shower during normal daytime hours. This has always been a risky endeavor. I do put away all razors now, but they get into things I can never think of. They are always one or two, or often, three steps ahead.
Note the dialogue that occurred in what I was hoping would be 5-6.5 minutes of serenity.
Mommy!!!!!!!!!! I got myself some shredded cheese out of the refrigerator! I put it in my own bowl.
(me)WHAT! Don't spill it!
I already did. But I cleaned it up.
(me) Well, what is Foo doing?
Eating crayons.
(me) Well, umm, tell her to stop!
pitter patter of little feet running away...then returning...
I told her but she is still eating the green one. Yummy...this is good cheese...

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