Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Wait

Sophia has really been enthralled with her calendar lately. She pours over it, pointing to random dates and asking me about their significance. This has inspired her to reflect on the holidays dearest to her heart and thus START TALKING ABOUT WHAT SHE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS. Constantly. In an attempt at intentional parenting I steer the conversation towards what she will give for Christmas. She responds well and enjoys thinking of things to give her friends. And then, always, she asks "Well, is Christmas on Thursday?" "No, not for a long time." "Next Tuesday?" "No, many months away." "Why?"

I realize she gets this from me. Christmas/Birthday anticipation fueled my enthusiasm for life for many years. But here's what I had that she, sadly, does not: a June birthday. There they are the two best days of the year - six months apart. The moment I received my due date for Sophia I began mourning the December birthday. Then she was nine days late, putting her deep in the heart of Advent. So when she tries to comfort herself over the delay of Christmas with dreams of her "Princess Birthday Party at Jumping Joeys Where Everyone Will Wear Princess Dresses and Mommy Will Bake an Ariel Cake" I have to reluctantly inform her that her birthday is far away as well.

But then we talk about all the fun things ahead with summer and the beach and pool and fireflies and then Pumpkins and Foo's birthday and she is encouraged. Her life is good, even if December is a long way away. And I am encouraged. I have until December to figure out how to bake an Ariel Cake.


Ruthie said...

I too am future and calendar oriented. That is why I have begun to put everything on my calendar. Specifically the days my favorite tv shows will premier. Too bad Sophia watches Diego on DVD.

How about looking forward to Vegas' birthday?

Molly Harper said...

Haha - oh Nina...your stories always make me smile! I have a June birthday as well so now if I have a child with the dreaded December bday, I will know how to handle it. :)

Pat said...

As one of five in my family with a December birthday (5, 6, 9, 13 and 19)....I've experienced it from both sides...being the December baby and having a daughter with a December birthday. Not sure which is worse. For Maria when she was small, we never decorated for Christmas, put up a tree or lights until after her birthday because I didn't want her birthday to get lost in the Christmas craziness. I know someone who was born Dec 24th and they always celebrated with a 1/2 year birthday party in June.