Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Day in the life....of Elmo

On a recent snow day I thought I'd capture Elmo's adventures...

To give some background: Sophia has a "Potty Elmo" meaning he used to talk about how he had to use the potty and he came with a potty and a drink and apparently his purchase guaranteed desperate parents that potty training would be quickly successful. His batteries have been done for over a year but every once in a while he comes alive and starts speaking out of nowhere. Its like a Festivus Miracle. He is very well loved and very dirty, but again, due to the sewed in battery box, I can't wash him without major reconstructive surgery. I'm no seamstress and he's no Heidi Montag so we love him as he is and spray disinfectant when needed. Olivia has  a small Elmo because she is the smaller sister. She wasn't buying that bit so we got her an Elmo the same size as Sophia's. Hers is a puppet. Sophia is a little jealous of this. And I am just trying to scheme how we can get some royalties from the Childrens Television Workshop for all of this exposure.

So a few Saturdays ago...Elmo was taken out in the snow, wrapped in a towel because he has no snow pants...
Apparently the towel was holding him back so Sophia put him in the rocking chair as she played:

Later on during bathtime Olivia is playing with her Little Elmo, but if you look in the background...
Yes, Sophia's Elmo has to watch her take a bath - in underwear. That's baby powder in his mouth. I hear it freshens breath.
Olivia's Big Elmo was just trying to lie low in the crib, grateful for a day off...


Ruthie said...

I am laughing so hard at this. Poor Elmo's eyes are gray with love. Does he also layer his underwear?

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Nina. Matt just asked me if I was okay because I'm laughing so hard at this post. I'm supposed to be working on my dissertation at the moment, though, so maybe he's just fearful that I've actually started laughing at the topics of grief and mortality now?