Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Further Adventures of Diego and Alecia...some highlights from Leah's camera

Sign of a true friend: ablility to immediately assume the persona of your imaginary friends as soon as he arrives. Diego leaves big shoes to fill. Judah is boldly up to the task.

Here are Diego and Alecia enjoying one of their favorite activities: communal baths.

Lydia joins the fun. Olivia refused, probably due to her irrational fear of Lydia ( who is 13 months)

A twilight playdate gets crazy...

Pajama Storytime!

Daddy showed up just in time for the Pajama Parade around the library. It was just what he wanted after a long day at work.

We were quite a crew. The ripped Princess negligee kind of set the tone...
Olivia: "Wear my pajamas to the library? Don't be ridiculous. This is so not my scene."

Lydia wondering why this was the event she was allowed to stay up so late for...
Can you imagine how much they would enjoy an actual sleepover?

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