Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Fortunately it was only 99 degrees on Saturday, as opposed to the 106 forecast for tomorrow, making graduation a wonderful day for memories - and a rough one for makeup, hair, and small children who do not like to wear shoes or clothes When we got home for the day the girls were barefoot and covered in dirt but they still had their clothes on (which I could not say for the night before)...We had a great day of celebration...I really want to graduate from something again...I love the pagentry and the garb and the tassels and medals and validation. And the video camaras and cheering families and bored siblings and inspirational speeches. I love that in one ceremony the past and the future are equally celebrated. Most of all I love that everyone apologizes after seeing we have come - like sitting through graduation is equal to a morning at the DMV. Hardly. I'm telling you we love this stuff.
Above, with Rylie at Lafayette's graduation - 10 am.
Apparently my camera has a "celestial" mode.

Boys - Jamestown's graduation 6 pm

William and Mary Hall

Post-Graduation Perch

The Future: aren't they cute?

Very serious occasion

Trav went with the seersucker and made quite a splash.

Check out the tree dweller.

Another promising member of the Class of 2025 (!!!)


Anonymous said...

William! And Mary! Loved of old! Hark upon the gale!

Wow, this means we're another year farther from W&M, Neen...crazy.

Love the seersucker, Trav! Total garden party garb.

And I love your little tree dwellers and miss them so!

size too small said...

2025 is CRAZY sounding!