Friday, May 7, 2010

May Days

Our week has passed in blur of heat, popsicles and thinking about everything I have to do to prepare for our vacation next week. Actual preparations have not yet begun - being overwhelmed by thinking about it all is always the first step. In the meantime....some snapshots: We have one pair of amazing blue sunglasses and two feisty little girls. Do the math. Someone off camera is not very happy right now.
Popsicles on the porch are one of life's great pleasures. Enjoying them in your favorite Snow White Costume takes it to a whole new level...

Ugh...I have been exposed. Our porch needs to be painted very badly...This is in the works...

Foo gets contemplative on the horse...

And look who has been riding shotgun with me this week...Sophia is very careful about strapping in Bedtime Bear wherever we go.

We capped off a great week with Sno To Go! First time this season. I love that Sophia chooses her flavor by color - today it was yellow. After all these years, Sno To Go still has it. Bad location, scary parking and inconveniently cash-only. But the tourists still haven't found it and its just good. And what's not to love about saying "I'd like a small Bahama Mama - stuffed"?

1 comment:

Lindsey Andreotta said...

Nina, I quite enjoy this new shade of lipstick you have been flaunting. Tres hot.