Monday, May 3, 2010

Derby Days

Our neighbors hosted a Kentucky Derby Party on Saturday.
Sophia chose Sidney's Candy to be our horse. I read her the names of every horse and she said:
"The first one you said," which was interestingly, number 20 since I happened to read from the bottom up. The odds were in our favor but in the end it was Super Saver's day. Sophia cheered loud and Olivia kept saying "baah" - her response when she sees horses.

We had never celebrated the Derby before but I am now convinced that its my kind of sporting event. You hang out beforehand, eat small sandwhiches, wear large hats, place your bets. The race starts - you scream really loud for your horse for 2 minutes, then its over and you go back to the mint juleps and small sandwiches. I loved it. Travis loved wearing his seersucker suit for the first time. Olivia loved the ice from the beer bucket. Let me give a shout out to our fabulous next door neighbors. They have now introduced us to the Kentucky Derby, Bienets (French Doughnuts), and herb gardens. We have introduced them to Chanellos Pizza. It's a beautiful relationship.


Katie Shields said...

Sounds like Broxton's on the up and up!

Ruthie said...

Beautiful hair and dress! I can't wait to see Trav's new suit. I wonder where Channello's ranks in comparison to the gas station pizza? I mean in terms of safety of course.