Monday, January 11, 2010

First Movie Since Batman and Other Christmas Rehash

Travis:  Neen, if I ever have the opportunity to be a mercenary on another planet, don't let me go. 


We had a great Christmas, a great New Years, and a still-slightly-confusing Three Kings Day. Christmas with a 3 year old and a 1 year old is slightly humorous. I spent Christmas Eve looking at our little tree with our little pile of presents asking myself "Did I get enough?" (Thank you American upbringing). I spent Christmas morning wondering "Why did I get them anything?" as Sophia spent the morning sharpening a pencil she got in her stocking and Olivia ate chex mix. I did fight the feelings of parental failure when Sophia asked where Diego's stocking was. I just hadn't factored Diego's wish list into our budget this year.

Travis gave me two nights at the Sanderling Resort in Duck for December 27-29th. This gift ranks up there with best Christmas surprises ever -  it might have even, but barely, surpassed my American Girl doll in 1989, the first year they had come out after my mom declared they were only for rich girls and I would never have one.

 The Abuelos graciously watched the girls and we were able to go away and I returned a mother restored. While there we were able to go to the movies and made a shocking discovery. Sweet Olivia, all this time we have been wondering when will she start speaking English, she has been speaking the language of the Nav'i...She is still very small and non-blue but I'm going to keep my eye on her...

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