Monday, January 25, 2010

Read This:

So I realize I am, once again, late on a trend. My mom raves to me about this book and how I can borrow it when she's done. I say Mom, I can get it at the library.  Don't worry about it. She insists that I will have to wait forever at the library. I argue that I never have to wait because I request the Large Print version of things. That's the scam. (I realize all of this belies absolutely nothing cool about me ) Well... I put myself on the list at the library for this book I had never heard of. I am number 82 on the regular list and 24 on the large print. Ana Banana wins.  She finishes it and brings it to me Saturday morning. Apparently I have 3 days to read it before passing it on to my sister. Upon discussion they decided to give it to me first because I am a "fast reader." I have always been plagued by such sad superlatives. In Second Grade, I received the "Expressive Reader Award". What? These were character awards people! I went to a Christian school! People were getting things like "charitable" "generous" "most like the Apostle Paul" and I get "reads well out loud." Regardless, great book - go buy it or support your public library and get in line. 


Ruthie said...

I have been on the waiting list for Ana's copy since before Christmas. When she told me she was giving it to you I immediately entered a middle-child blackout rage. This was my compromise, O' Expressive Reader.

Megan said...

My mom is also obsessed with this book and she bought it for me not long ago. I can't wait to read it!

Erin said...

"Nina is a good reader." -Yuki Ishibashi, Mrs. Parker's 10th grade Honors English class with long-term sub, Mrs. Savage. "And Dear Lord...."

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this book. See Neen now you're all edumacated to come yonder and visit me in M'ssippi. (I'm still learning to speak Southern)

Pat said...

Do you not remember the yearly the campfires at the family beach vacations? I think we have many videos of the "Dramatic Readings of Nina"...while everyone else did crazy skits (like throwing cheetos on the whipped cream covered Baba and Bobo to see how many would stick) you read us poetry, or essays. Obviously we were in need of culture.

Nina said...

Aunt Pat - Someday I will give a public apology for all of those horrid monologues I put the group through. but it was nice I admit that for a brief seven minutes once a year, everyone wasn't screaming at the top of their lungs. Perhaps I will plan a piece for next Christmas...