Friday, September 18, 2009

Not Far from the Tree..

(This post will be picture-less because we have shady internet and it takes 400 hours to upload pictures to blogspot. Does anyone else have this problem? - the upload time, not the shady internet, I know that's our fault...)

A couple of weeks ago Sophia made the big move to the Big Girl Bed. It was a momentous occasion and in true Simone family style, Rob came over and helped take down the crib, move the bed, and assemble the new book shelves. Where would we be without Rob? Our house would be colorless, our lawn would have overtaken us and our furniture would remain in the same spot for eternity...but I digress(Thank you Rob!). The first week in the Big Girl Bed was heavenly. I thought, "Yes, finally. I have timed a transition well." Sophia was very angelic - stayed in the bed, called me when she woke up. Slept like a baby.

Then something changed. Yes, she realized she could get out. And she does. She dances around, often unclothed. She plays with the blinds. She takes things in and out of electric sockets. She takes all of the clothes out of her closet and stirs them around on the floor. Yet, this is not what is challenging me. This I can handle. What seems to have stumped me is the constant reading.  She woke up the other night at 1am and "read" until 2am. She hasn't napped in days. She reads. I have limited the books. We started with about 18 in the bed and now we're down to five. She "reads" them and then yells for more. I have been completely frustrated with this situation due to my very literate,  very exhausted child. 

Then I was going to bed the other night and I glanced to the left of my side of the bed. I have three baskets of books that I am reading right now. Yes, all at once. Everything from marriage books to parenting books to novels to a business guide by post-jail Martha Stewart. Last weekend I slept about 5 hours a night, not due to my children but to a Jodi Picoult novel that I couldn't put down. And Travis? I find books shoved under furniture in the living room because he doesn't know where to put them. When we moved to Atlanta he had to ship 11 boxes of books back to VA Beach to be stored. 

We have a problem. As a family. Perhaps, we need to watch more BRAVO, buy a Wii, start tweeting?...At this rate spelling bees could be next, and Olivia will never have known differently..

1 comment:

Megan said...

I hear you one the book problem. We have boxes and boxes that were in storage until we moved here, and I am always reading about 6 books at once. Sophia is hilarious! I am so glad I am getting to know her.