Saturday, January 1, 2011

And So this was Christmas...

A letter to be opened next November before it all starts again...

Dear Self of November 2011:

Please remember the following lessons from Christmas 2010.
1. Beginning your shopping early is only fiscally prudent if you finish your shopping early, or finish at all. Being in the stores in late November means you should not still be in the stores on December 23 and 24. And whatever you do, please do not decide to go to Best Buy on December 23, with the girls, to "look around for something for Daddy." Though Best Buy is the first place we've ever been to with yellow carts (!) it is not for someone without money and without a plan. You will end up returning what you couldn't afford on December 24 which translates into two visits to Best Buy in two days, twitching eyes from all of the flat screens, and much less of a soul.

2. Remember how you painstakingly planned and purchased presents for your two little girls and then your husband upstaged you by bringing them toys from the vending machines at Pizza Hut? Yes, the whole Christmas extravaganza could have maxed out at $5.75. He does it every year. Last year it was the pencil sharpener. This year, a slimy whale that sticks to the ceiling. This year just go to an arcade, win some tokens, and cash them in for Christmas.

(My gifts were loved though and left much less slimy residue...)

3. Remember how you discussed ad-nauseum your Christmas Weekend Strategy...and then it snowed and everything changed anyway?

The snow prevented us from making it to some great events and ended up compressing and isolating the holiday a bit...but what we lost in Christmas Craziness we gained in some really sweet unexpected family time. For us, for some reason, Sunday December 26 had been a moving target of scheduling - between church responsibilities and family events and travel plans the day kept changing shape as December went on. To be snowed in and unable to go anywhere and accomplish anything felt strangely ironic and like a surprise gift.

4. Remember that your Christmas Day expectations differ greatly from your children's. You have higher demands, built on years of nostalgic memories and listening to too much Christmas music. They are still along for the ride - with an instinctive ability to celebrate. Cherish the gratitude for vending machine toys and animal crackers,

the gift of making any time quality time

and the joy that reminds us of everything that we have. And keep them on their PBS Kids only TV diet. Commercial-free living is still managing to produce low-demand Christmases over here...
5. Try and have a healthier week before Christmas. All of those sweets prior to the weekend did not set us up well. Poor Foo's sick stomach prevented her from providing many camera-worthy moments...Oranges and raisins are traditional stocking stuffers. Bring them back.
And remember - stop, breathe, enjoy and celebrate. Watch their wonder and excitement. Let it remind you.
Your earlier, younger, pre-30 Self.
Another great Christmas in the books over here. More footage to come of Buelo's Big Surprise...

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