(Photos in this montage are courtesy of Sophia)
I've always appreciated Elmo's enthusiasm about well...everything.
How does such a face with so few fine details communicate such emotion?
Surprise, excitement, contentment...and, in this case, it's all about grocery shopping.
Elmo had a big day last Sunday. Sophia and I went through the toys and made a list of everything that needed new batteries - which was everything that used batteries. My Mom had this rule when we were growing up that we couldn't have toys that used batteries. It ranked right up there with the "no sugar cereal" rule. We felt greatly deprived. Of course now I consider my mother a prophet as 1/3 of our nation is obese, quite possibly from a large intake of Lucky Charms. (Now we did always have Pop- tarts in the house...but those provide 8 essential vitamins and minerals.)
And she was right, once again, about battery toys. I thought she banned them because batteries are expensive, which they are. But I've now learned the whole truth the hard way: battery-operated toys are annoying. Batteries = noise. Batteries = broken. Batteries = devastation-when-it-worked-yesterday-but-it-doesn't-work-today-because-it-was-left-on-all-night.
These are my reflections - After I spent a full day buying and replacing batteries for toys and then asking myself why. Elmo can now talk about how thirsty he is and how he needs to go to the potty. And if Sophia rolls over him just right in his sleep, I can hear those startling sentences amidst the Strange Sonic Birds over the monitor. It's unsettling. For Christmas, I'm commissioning Buelo to widdle them Laura Ingalls Wilder-esque toys out of wood. What was the Pioneer version of Elmo, I wonder?
I think the pioneer version of Elmo was called "plowing" or "darning socks".
or "surviving"
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