Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sound Bites

Kind Strangers at the Pool: Your daughter Alecia has a beautiful name!

Awkward Mother: Oh, umm, that's not really her name. Her name is Sophia.

Kind Strangers at the Pool: you don't have a five-year-old son named Diego?

Awkward Mother: Not who I've ever seen...

Me: How was Wild Water Rapids?

Sophia: It was good. I went down the orange slide and the purple slide and the green slide all by myself.

Me: What about Olivia?

Sophia: She went down the slides too but the family had to go with her.

Me: Oh? Who from the family?

Sophia: The whole family. Buela, Ruthie, Uncle Peter, Diego and Pedro.

My Mother: Sophia told me she was Mexican today. I just thought you should know.

But a mere glimpse of what I will one day experience in parent teacher conferences...


Anonymous said...

I really must meet this Diego I hear so much about :) I love Sophia's imagination!

the reppard crew said...

wait, you mean sophia is NOT actually mexican?? :)

thought about y'all yesterday as we passed by the ole applebees where we met that year when y'all were in route to GA . . . fun times :)

Kristen King said...

CRACKING up right now. Parker will gladly be her Diego. He's already thought of as Judah's imaginary friend.