Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Which child is mine?

 We have no idea who this other girl is, but Sophia is super social so when we are at Busch Gardens by ourselves I make sure to seat her next to other children on the rides. I then am that parent who engages in the following dialogue:
"Hi What's your name?"
"Oh, great, this is Sophia. Sophia say 'Hi', tell them how old you are. (when does that stop being appropriate?!)
But actually, I haven't had to do it as much recently because Sophia, learning through imitation, does it herself, and really has become quite the ride-relationship builder. In fact, on a recent ride she asked to see her new friend's belly button. We are working on this issue.
And well, I'm not sure how much chemistry there was with the girl in the above pictures. She was probably jealous of the glasses. Or protective of her belly button.


EmmaLouLiz said...

I love reading your stories for each picture.....so funny because I can imagine exactly how you're saying it and the tone of your voice. nina machina

Ruthie said...

I imagine that girl is looking so sour because Sophia opened her conversation with "Hi, Little Girl!!"

Katie Shields said...

I love this story... Thank you Neen.