Sunday, April 12, 2009

Weekend at the Bay

We had our annual 107 Matoaka Ct Roommate Reunion at Lelia's parents Bay House in Deltaville, VA this past weekend. Things have changed a bit over 6 years...5 kids have now been added to our brood...Changes the vibe a bit. But it was still a wonderful and memorable time!
Everyone was amazed (or horrified) about how much I could pack into the van for 36 hours. Please. Do you know my mother?
Olivia celebrated her 5 month birthday while there. In honor of it we borrowed a friends exersaucer...Fabulous for the child, hideous for the decor. The Ellis's were grateful to get it out of their house for a while and we are grateful to be using it!
Avery and Olivia. Everyone was such a great help with my kids.
Kristen - you know you want one...
I mean, this isn't that different from sitting around giving pedicures and drinking wine, is it?
Sophia and Fischer, kindred spirits.
We had gorgeous weather! (Notice that Big Mr Potato Head made the trip)

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