Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Ballad of Sophia Bobby...

Well, never a dull moment around here. Sophia's imaginative play reached new heights this week as she has been in a constant role play for four days straight: She is Mary and Elmo is Baby Jesus. Elmo is such a faithful playmate - and so versatile. The conversations have been priceless:

Sophia: Mary is going to Colonial Williamsburg and so is Baby Jesus. We need to put him in the stroller. We can't leave him alone in the manger.

Nina: (Thinking well we can use this play as a learning exercise.) Sophia, who visited Baby Jesus when he was born?

Sophia: The shepherds

Nina: And the Wise Men

Sophia: And the Foolish Man.

Nina: The Foolish Man?

Sophia: You know, the Foolish Man - who built his house on the sand.

(And later, I try again)

Nina:  Sophia, who visited Baby Jesus when he was born?

Sophia: Grandma and Buela and Bodie and Wilson.

(Getting in the Car on Wednesday)

Sophia: Mary and Baby Jesus are coming. But not Joseph. He has to go to work. He works at the church.

(And Finally...)

Sophia:  Baby Jesus sleeps in bunk beds now. He doesn't fit in the manger anymore. He is nine years old now.


Ruthie said...

You forget to mention that Baby Jesus has a puppy named Juan Bobo.

Rowboat: when are you going to leave a comment??

Megan said...

I LOVE Sophia!!