Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Zen of Motherhood

One of my favorite roles in being a mother is Explainer of the Ordinary. The Explainer has covered many topics recently such as paper cuts, falling down, bathtub drains, and shower curtains. This week when the stomach flu arrived at our house The Explainer faced a new dramatic challenge. On Sunday night Sophia threw up for the first time in her memory. She did so while sitting on the chair with me and Olivia, all over me and Olivia. My first thought (and constant Mom strategy): do not act alarmed. This was a challenge. I find vomit very alarming. I always have. I don't do it much. Every time, even as an adult I cry and need someone to hold back my hair. Second reflex: Stay positive. The following exchange occured:

Sophia throws up,
Sophia: What did Sophia just do? (obvious use of 3rd person in intense situations)
Nina (covered in it): Oh Sophia you just threw up (unalarmed ) It's when your tummy hurts and sends stuff out of your mouth. (explanation) It's okay! We all throw up! (positive)Mommy throws up! Daddy throws up! Everyone throws up!
Sophia: (growing more excited) Elmo throws up! Grover throws up!
Nina: (laying poor vomit-covered Olivia down) Yay for throw up!

sidenote: Campbells Dora the Explorer Chicken Noodle Soup was a legitimate meal for me multiple times this week. Two steps back in the Organic Mom Race.


Megan said...

This is hilarious! I aspire to be like you.

EmmaLouLiz said...

Nina you need to write a how-to book for the rest of us :)