Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Book Recommendation

Surrendering to Motherhood....Losing your mind, Finding your soul
Some of you may remember my Shelfari embarassment...(some of you may be still stuck in Shelfari due to my mass mailing - sorry Michael)...I had sworn off book recommendations but couldn't resist passing this one on to my blog readers - most of which are Moms or almost Moms or future Moms.  The title can be misleading -it's not about urging you  to have 18 home-schooled children (Though you do inspire us, Michelle Dugger). Krasnow, a very successful celebrity journalist, details her life's struggle with meaning and satisfaction, only to find peace and contentment when she finally surrendered to her vocation of motherhood. This is a  surprising and inspirational book for those of us who sometimes secretly miss having a reason to put on make up and eating with two hands. Affirmation that What's Out There, is never going to be worth the sacrifice, not just for our children, but for ourselves - this is an amazing, fresh perspective on feminism. I am loving it, and the ability to read again...

1 comment:

mallory said...

Thanks for sharing about this book, it looks awesome.